Wondering if
you're pregnant?

Community Pregnancy Center
is here to help.

Community Pregnancy Center is here to help. Starting with a free pregnancy test, we will explain your options with compassion and understanding. Whatever choice you make will impact the rest of your life.

Don’t face this alone. We’re here to help no matter what your circumstances are.

All services are free and confidential.

Call or text (615) 680-8026

today to make an appointment or visit us at:

755 E McMurry Blvd,
Hartsville, TN 37074

Monday-Wednesday from 10am-5pm
Thursday from 2-8pm

Chili Cook-off – Sign Up Form

Fill out this form and mail it to CPC by October 20th! If making chili isn’t your participate? thing, pass this on to a chili-making friend and join us anyway to enjoy the fun!

We are seeing clients on site!

Call or text us at 615-680-8026 for information about the protective measure we have in place during COVID.

**This information is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice. When you call, please immediately turn off any electronic devices with recording capabilities. This center does not offer abortion services or abortion referrals. This center and its representatives (paid and volunteer) do NOT consent to having any conversations recorded. All information shared by you during your relationship as a client with the center and its representatives will be kept in the strictest confidence except as required by law or as required for the protection of yourself or others. Our services are not intended to be a substitute for licensed professional counseling, or for either routine or emergency medical or prenatal care. Individuals who believe they are experiencing a medical emergency should call 911 and seek care from the nearest emergency room.